ArtSites Updates

We have added a few new features to the website hosting software. Here is a list of those features:

New Gallery Overview Page

The "matted" and "tiled" layouts have had a new page added that shows an overview of all the Galleries on a website. This overview presents each Gallery via a "featured" image, which can be selected by the artist. Visitors simply click on any Gallery image and then they can view the other images within that Gallery.

Selecting a Featured Image for the Gallery Overview

The image that is featured for each gallery can be selected by the artist from the Admin/Gallery page. Clicking on the "make feature" link next to the image you want featured puts it on the Gallery Overview page. You will see "featured" next to an image that has been selected as the featured link for that gallery. If no image has been selected, the first image will be used.

Improved Navigation

Navigation has been improved using some subtle (and not so subtle) highlighting cues. The font size, weight and background colours are slightly different for a highlighted menu choice to allow the visitor to identify what part of the website that they are in. We have also added duplicate navigational links on the bottom of every page in the "tiled" and "vertical" layouts. This allows for visitors to see the navigational links on long pages when they reach the bottom.
