ArtSites Updates

(posted on 14 Dec 2012)

Tye-dye business cards Watercolored business cards

As an artist, do your business cards really convey your artistic abilities? Here are two examples: Handcolored Business Cards and Watercolored Business Cards that show hand-painted business cards. While hand-painted cards may not be specifically for you, think about how you can share "samples" of your works (both visually and tactilely) and make your business cards truly memorable!

(posted on 13 Dec 2012)
Video maker Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, talks about his unique perspective on color in a short video titled ‘Describing Colors to Blind People’. In the video, he talks about his experiences and feelings when people try to explain to him what different colors look like.

Step into Edison’s shoes by watching the video below:

(posted on 7 Dec 2012)

Not sure what to gift your artist friends and family? How about an ArtSites Gift Certificate! We're offering gift certificates for:

  • Our Quick Start Option ($50) or
  • One (1) Year of Hosting ($100) or
  • A Full-Service Package including Hosting & the Quick Start Option
    ($135 - 10% off) or
  • Any other combination(s) you'd like to gift :-)
If you're interested in purchasing a gift certificate, please contact us and we'll create a customized gift certificate just for you!

We've had several requests to offer our workshops ONLINE and have recently found a service that we hope will make this possible and easy for you. We're offering the following 3 FREE online workshops in the coming weeks:

A PayPal Overview & General ArtSites Q&A Session
Saturday, December 8, 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST
In this session, we'll provide an overview of PayPal (and perhaps some other payment processors), as well as how to insert PayPal buttons into your ArtSites website. We're also offering this session as an opportunity for an "Open Office" discussion, where you can ask any questions you have about ArtSites.
Online Registration and Online Meeting Link

Build Your ArtSites Website in Less than 1-Hour!
Sunday, December 9, 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST
This session is ideal for anyone thinking about signing up for an ArtSites website and/or would like some assistance in getting started. You'll learn the basic steps to create your very own ArtSites website and can ask any questions you have about ArtSites.
Online Registration and Online Meeting Link
(Please forward this session to any artist or crafts friends / colleagues who may be interested in a getting started with ArtSites and who would like more information about ArtSites.)

Social Media for Visual Artists
Sunday, December 16, 2:00 - 4:00 PM PST
In this session, we'll provide an overview of how your website fits into your overall Social Media strategy, as well as explain how you can best use other social media tools such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.
Online Registration and Online Meeting Link

Please pre-register for each workshop if you plan to attend!
They are all FREE, and we'd simply like to know how many people wil be attending. Once again, these workshops are completely ONLINE. So, you only have to sit in front of your computer / laptop and tune in! ;-)

Geoff and I are pleased to announce a new full-service, Quick Start Add-on for $50! Here are the details:

With this new service, any artist can get an ArtSites trial website setup with images, bio, and/or resume for an additional $50. All that's required is sending us images (either via email or a CD via postal mail), and a bio and/or resume. We will then setup a trial website within 48 hours and show the artist how to update and manage his/her ArtSites trial website.

Once the artist is happy with ArtSites, they then pay the standard annual fee for their new website and domain name.

Based on feedback from our workshops, many artists said that this would be a service they would appreciate. So, if you know of anyone who has been putting off setting up their website because they are either overwhelmed by technology or don't have the time, there's now an even simpler option to get a brand new website setup and launched in 48 hours for a total of $150! (We think that's still a pretty good deal :-)

If you have any other questions or suggestions, we'd love to hear them!

(posted on 23 Nov 2012)

We've been emailing with many of you over the years, and recently, we thought it might be helpful to assist you more immediately. As a result, we now have a "Live Chat" feature that allows you to chat directly with us when you're having an issue.

To launch a Live Chat, simply click on the dark grey button in the lower right-hand side of your browser. It says 'Online - click here to chat' and it will launch a chat session with us (provided we're available). However, if we're not, it will send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

We hope these Live Chats will allow us to answer your questions much more quickly and allow you to continue updating and managing your website without getting stuck.

As we've always said, we're here to support, assist and empower you! Please feel free to reach out whenever you have a question or issue!

(posted on 22 Nov 2012)

One of the benefits of being a Canadian/American household is that we get to celebrate Thanksgiving twice a year!

As many now prepare for the US Thanksgiving, I (Rochelle) once again like to take stock of all the things I am grateful for. Today (and most days :-), I am incredibly thankful for:

  • My phenomenal husband, life and business partner, best friend and muse - Geoffrey Meredith
  • Our amazing and supportive family and friends
  • Our growing ArtSites business, full of creative and passionate artists
  • Our health
  • A world full of beauty and possibilities!

So, on this US Thanksgiving weekend, we especially want to thank YOU for:

  • your art,
  • your continued support of ArtSites, and
  • for being part of the ArtSites family!

Words simply cannot express how much you mean to us!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Geoff and Rochelle

(posted on 10 Nov 2012)

Today, Geoff and I wanted to share and celebrate a major milestone with you:

We signed up our 500th artist! - Malcolm Armstrong
Malcolm was a long-time mariner and is now an accomplished Marine Artist. The history he shares about the vessels he paints and the energy with which he presents them are simply magnificent.
(Malcolm was also at our Pender Island Workshop :-)

Geoff and I are SO thrilled and happy to be empowering artists like you as you share your amazing art with the world! As I've been saying at all of our recent workshops:

The world needs more art!
In 2005, Geoff and I could not have imagined what a warm, generous, and talented community we would get to work with every day! Today, we are especially grateful to YOU for being part of the ArtSites family! The best (although insufficient) words that come to mind are: THANK YOU!!! Clearly, there is a need for what we offer, and we are all too aware that this major milestone is largely due to you passing ArtSites along to your friends, fellow artists, artisans, and creative networks!

Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Geoff and I are thrilled to have lined up several FREE ArtSites / Social Media for Visual Artists Workshops in the coming weeks in British Columbia and Washington and we'd LOVE to see you there! (Here are full workshop descriptions.)
Here is our current schedule. (We'll also post this to our ArtSites Workshop page so that you can view any new or updated listings.)
Sunday, October 14: South Delta Artists Guild Longhouse from 1-4 PM (Please sign up online)
Sunday, October 21: Ashcroft, BC at Jo Petty's Artist's Studio
Sunday, October 28: Pender Island at the Studio at Hope Bay
Once again, we'd love to meet you in person and remember all of these workshops are FREE! So, please come out, even just to say hello. Also, do let any of your other artists friends and colleagues know!

If you'd like for us to host a workshop in your community, please let us know!

Hi Everyone,

It's been almost 4 months since our last email about Geoff's transcontinental bike tour. We are now one week away (650 km or 400 miles) from our final goal of St. John's, Newfoundland! Geoff has already bicycled 7,775 km (4,830 miles) and has done incredibly well! VanGo - our (T)rusty Van - has had some hiccups along the way, but is persevering! Once we get to St. John's, we are planning to drive all the way back to Vancouver. However, our route is still up-for-grabs! Here's where you come in...

As part of our trip back, we would love to connect with you and your artist communities! So, we are offering free ArtSites Workshops to your artist friends, Artists Guilds/Associations, Artist Collectives, or Artist Co-ops. If you know of a group of artists who might enjoy getting together and setting up a website (individually or as a collective), please let us know and we will plan our return trip accordingly. We have all the technology necessary to do this and all we need from you is a space and 6-10 artists who'd enjoy some sweets, interesting conversation, and of course, some hand-holding and support in getting their artwork online. As an added bonus, we will offer a 20% discount ($80/year) to anyone who purchases one of our websites at the workshop.

As we embark on the end of this phase of our journey, Geoff and I want to sincerely thank you again for your patience, support, and cheering over the past months! We have so appreciated emailing and meeting some of you! And, we sincerely hope to meet many more of you on the way back!

Thanks again for being part of the ArtSites family!

Cheers from Deer Lake, Newfoundland,

Rochelle and Geoff

Inline image 3

P.S. If any of you (or your friends) are near Cape Spear, Newfoundland on Monday, September 17th, please come out to celebrate Geoff's mammoth accomplishment! :-)

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