ArtSites Updates

Yup, Geoff's been at it again! ;-)

A few months ago, we announced a feature that disables the ability for visitors to right-click on your images.

Protect Your Images - Disable Right-Click Menu Option

However, this week, ArtSites artist, Elle Shay, told us that it was still possible to drag and drop the image. Oh no!!

So, Geoff did some sleuthing and his usual technical wizardry! ;-)

And, we're now thrilled to announce that, if you have disabled the right-clicking option on your website, visitors also CANNOT drag and drop your images!

But, wait! ... there's MORE! ;-)

While Geoff was making these changes, he also revisited the code that allows you to offer enlarged images to your viewers.

How to offer the

Until now, we weren't able to protect these images, but Geoff figured out a solution and now...

ALL your images, even the enlarged versions, are protected from right-clicking and dragging & dropping!
(Provided you've enabled these features on your website ;-)

If you want to know how to do this, check out our previous articles:

(FYI - by default, both of these features are NOT enabled.)

As always, we're doing everything we can to protect your online images and artwork.

That said, and as with any new updates we make, if you have any issues with this latest update or have any other questions, simply let us know!

Thanks again for continuing to identify ways we can make ArtSites better!

We really appreciate your feedback! :-D
